Cast and Crew Bios

Abbey Delk (Coraline): would like to thank directors Katie Landoni and Gil Roberts for accepting her bribe to get into the cast. Honestly, she's surprised they didn't ask for more. Just $2 each? Really, guys?

Emma Schmitchel (Other Mother): is currently sinking to her doom in a pit of quicksand. awe :( #rip

Jay Izzo (Father/Other Father): is very excited he gets to sing the song.

Kelly Gurcsik (Ms. Spink): is a multi-talented god amongst men and when she is not gracing us with her presence she is both solving world hunger and teaching magic at the local youth orphanage at the SAME TIME. After the show, she will be slaying dragons in the parking lot while shotgunning Monster, which you can attend for a nominal fee. In her free time she dresses up as Daddy McShane and makes jokes into the void of her 13 followers on Twitter. She would like to thank Gil for saying she could audition for her play as a joke. This has been the longest running joke of her life.

Francesca Rizzo (Ms. Forcible): is currently in her flop era. She appreciates privacy at this time.

Kai Dowd (Cat): aries :P cat luvr RAWR XD meow for me @_@ im so mysterious this will be the last you hear from me.

Conor Lutts (Mr. Bobo): is more hat than man now.

Sam Sheridan (Mother): is 5'9". She is wondering if she looks like someone who would do well in LA? (In like a good way or a bad way?) Go Rams!

Lucia Stephenson (Police Officer/Dog/Rat): Old gay Scottish Terrier by day, #1 Rat Hell Spawn in your heart by night 💋💖🥵✨🥰

Ren Alberton (Dog/Rat/Ghost Child): Ah yes, the three genders: dog, rat, and sickly Victorian child.

Jess Clouser (Dog/Ghost Child): Contrary to popular belief, this is Jess Clouser’s first time wearing a tail. Woof.

Keagan Ostop (Rat/Ghost Child): is a freshman and is doing this show to face her fear of coraline. She dedicates her performance in loving memory of the rat she saw die on Fordham Rd in a collision with the Bx12. RIP.

Gil Roberts (Co-Director): is now triple crowned. Slay.

Katie Landoni (Co-Director): thinks that ghosts are actually rather trustworthy.

Lily Kissick (Tech Director): feels less competent in tech than ever (especially with LEDs).

Mari Apazidis (Stage Manager): is a silly little meatball. No, she will not elaborate.

Shannon Engel (Costumes/Stagehand): Follow @fordhamfelines